Bathroom Vanity
Click-PRODUCT INQUIRY- and Submit to start a conversation with our team. Or, Click-SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION to begin a detailed review of your project. Most categories include an online catalog, Click-CATALOG below, if available. All items on this site can be modified -or completely redesigned and purchased at scale, direct from our factory supplier platform. Our b-to-b website provides a look at select supplier capabilities. We do not sell directly from our website. When you contact Schwam Sourcing, our team will work with you to design, develop, build and distribute your product. See Full Catalog Below. CARB 2, TSCA Title VI, FSC certified Bathroom vanities made to order by seasoned factories at direct manufacturing prices. Producing a variety products with a raw materials including Solid Wood (Maple, Birch, Oak, Poplar, others), MDF (medium and high density), Particle Board, Plywood, PVC, PET. Processes include paint, solid wood veneer, melamine, pvc. Glue adhesion resistance to temperature and water, hot and cold cycles, yellowing resistant, etc. Equipment includes heavy double-side planer, multilateral saw, automatic cutter machine, automatic drilling machine, automatic milling tenon, four-face planer, cnc slotting machine, high frequency assembly, wide belt sander, double-milling, electronic saw, automatic edge banding, automatic assembly line, three rows of drills, undercoat paint auto sprayer, UV auto paint machine, hanging line, auto packing machine.
Click-PRODUCT INQUIRY- and Submit to start a conversation with our team. Or, Click-SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION to begin a detailed review of your project. Most categories include an online catalog, Click-CATALOG below, if available. All items on this site can be modified -or completely redesigned and purchased at scale, direct from our factory supplier platform. Our b-to-b website provides a look at select supplier capabilities. We do not sell directly from our website. When you contact Schwam Sourcing, our team will work with you to design, develop, build and distribute your product. See Full Catalog Below. CARB 2, TSCA Title VI, FSC certified Bathroom vanities made to order by seasoned factories at direct manufacturing prices. Producing a variety products with a raw materials including Solid Wood (Maple, Birch, Oak, Poplar, others), MDF (medium and high density), Particle Board, Plywood, PVC, PET. Processes include paint, solid wood veneer, melamine, pvc. Glue adhesion resistance to temperature and water, hot and cold cycles, yellowing resistant, etc. Equipment includes heavy double-side planer, multilateral saw, automatic cutter machine, automatic drilling machine, automatic milling tenon, four-face planer, cnc slotting machine, high frequency assembly, wide belt sander, double-milling, electronic saw, automatic edge banding, automatic assembly line, three rows of drills, undercoat paint auto sprayer, UV auto paint machine, hanging line, auto packing machine.
Click-PRODUCT INQUIRY- and Submit to start a conversation with our team. Or, Click-SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION to begin a detailed review of your project. Most categories include an online catalog, Click-CATALOG below, if available. All items on this site can be modified -or completely redesigned and purchased at scale, direct from our factory supplier platform. Our b-to-b website provides a look at select supplier capabilities. We do not sell directly from our website. When you contact Schwam Sourcing, our team will work with you to design, develop, build and distribute your product. See Full Catalog Below. CARB 2, TSCA Title VI, FSC certified Bathroom vanities made to order by seasoned factories at direct manufacturing prices. Producing a variety products with a raw materials including Solid Wood (Maple, Birch, Oak, Poplar, others), MDF (medium and high density), Particle Board, Plywood, PVC, PET. Processes include paint, solid wood veneer, melamine, pvc. Glue adhesion resistance to temperature and water, hot and cold cycles, yellowing resistant, etc. Equipment includes heavy double-side planer, multilateral saw, automatic cutter machine, automatic drilling machine, automatic milling tenon, four-face planer, cnc slotting machine, high frequency assembly, wide belt sander, double-milling, electronic saw, automatic edge banding, automatic assembly line, three rows of drills, undercoat paint auto sprayer, UV auto paint machine, hanging line, auto packing machine.